Lentil Soup Made with Honey

Lentil Soup Made with Honey

Lentil Soup is a hearty and satisfying meal that is low in calories. Lentils are rich in iron and folate, and they are an excellent source of protein as well. Many of our vegetarian friends use lentil protein as a meat alternative. In addition, lentils also pack polyphenols that may reduce heart disease risk factors.

This lentil soup recipe is a nutritional powerhouse. It combines the nutrients, protein, good carbs & fiber in lentils with the antioxidant power of veggies.
Lentil Soup made with honey plated with bread, spices, and a cocktail

Lentils come in various colors, including yellow, red, black, and brown. I have found brown commonly used, but I experiment whenever I have the chance. Each lentil type has its chemical composition of antioxidants and phytochemicals.

We were able to make this soup recipe in less than an hour. Serve for lunch or a light dinner. This amazing lentil soup is simple to make—add a salad for a nutritious, well-balanced, and satisfying meal that comes together within an hour from start to finish.

How to Make Lentil Soup

  • First, rinse lentils, remove floaters, and set aside.
  • Chop carrot, onion, celery, and garlic and add to soup pot with a drizzle of olive oil. Simmer for 4-5 minutes.
  • Pour chicken broth over vegetables, and add lentils, tomatoes, herbs, salt, and bouillon with enough water to cover vegetables. Simmer covered for 40 minutes or more until lentils are tender.
  • Optional: I prefer to remove about 1 cup of the mixture with a slotted spoon and puree in a blender, then return to soup. This step tends to help blend the flavors and improve the soup's texture.
  • Before serving, mix the balsamic vinegar and honey to create a glaze; serve the glaze drizzled on top with grated cheese as desired.

Get creative with how you serve Soup

  • Serve with some amazing Eastern Shore Corn Bread
  • Our mulled wine would make an excelled companion as well
  • Garnish with fresh chopped jalapenos
  • Swap out some nice cheddar cheese for parmesan cheese
  • Top with some sour cream